
As my friend Kätu is in the mood to do something bad I gave her a chance to write my blogpost and promised I'll not change her writing.
So, from here on, Kätu is writing.
Kelly and Annika had a "teenytiny" accident while they were photo shooting.
Naughty girls climbed into a house which had almost all of the first floor windows nailed. Exept the one they used for climbing in. 
As they had gotten in the house they heard voices on men outside of the building. And knocking. With a hammer.
These men where shutting the window that the girls used for getting inside.
A and K didn't panic at all, instead they were laughing and thought that they can get put of there from somewhere else, too.
The pictures came out great and the girls are fine too.
A has also made it to the UK. Hopefully people don't "lock people down" in old and empty houses.

Kuna Kätul on täna tuju teha natuke kättust(Kätu tegemas pättust), siis andsin talle lahkelt loa panna tekst siia ise kirja.
Kellyl ja Annikal juhtus selle pildistamise käigus "pisitillukene" äpardus. 
Nimelt tegid nad natuke pättust ja ronisid sisse majja, mille kõik alumise korruse aknad olid kinni naelutatud. Peale selle ühe muidugi.
Sisse roninud, asusid neiud maja uurima ning ühtäkki kuulsid nad meeste hääli. Ja kopsimist. Haamriga.
Nende ainukest sisse ja välja pääsemise kohta asuti kinni naelutama. 
Neil oli hirmu asemel hoopis nalja nabani ning ei lasknud end sellest eriti häirida, küll kusagilt ikka välja pääseb!
Pildid kukkusid kenasti välja ja elu ja tervise juures on nad ka. 
Neiu A on jõudnud lausa väljamaale. Loodetavasti ei naeluta seal inimesi mahajäetud majadesse kinni.
xoxo Kätukas

Photos by Mariann Hobustkoppel


  1. Wow! The photography and lighting is amazing in this place. I adore your style and pictures so much!



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